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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Most Mind Numbing of Paradoxes: The Cloverfield Paradox Review

The Cloverfield series as a whole as always been a particular beast. The first film, the nausea inducing shaky cam kaiju film, attempted to change the game in terms of viral marketing. Though few other films have yet truly captured the fervor that surrounded this first film’s initial release, the marketing was effective, the film a hit.     And then we waited.     And waited.     And waited.     And then, right before we were to all give up on the possibility of this series would be a one off big budget horror/action spectacle, we are given a gift. 10 Cloverfield Lane. Not only is the film something completely different from the first film, it’s superior in many ways. And with this success, the series is given new life.     With The Cloverfield Paradox, that life is cut short.     Much like 10 Cloverfield Lane, this was not originally designed to be a Cloverfield film. In fact, this script ha...